How to recover an old script version
Many of us undisciplined hacks (read: not professional developers) sometimes find ourselves wondering when we will buckle down and start using Github to store our Apps script source files and versions. If you sometimes find yourself in the same boat: needing to restore or access an old script version, the first thing you probably do is revert back to the old Apps script editor (IDE), (filling out the form regarding the lack of version history as your reason), and then hoping the version queue goes back far enough for you to recover what you need. Well, today my undisciplined friend, I will show you a way to recover your script files, all the way back to version 1!! Yes, no more switching back to the old code editor. I thought about writing a Script for this, and still might, but for now, I'll show the manual process. Step 1) Open the script editor or get the script ID of the script whose version you want to recover some other way. --if you a...